Hello! If you are someone who’s been looking for a career working from home but don’t know where to start, welcome to VA House. 

VA House is a small outsourcing company that prioritizes helping Filipinos start a virtual assistant career. Whether you’re experienced or have no idea how to start, we promise you you’ll be in good hands. We have a client base that’s looking for VAs who can communicate well, who can provide quality services and value to their business. 

All this sounds intimidating at first, we understand how easy it is to read a job post and say, “oh I don’t have those skills”. With VA House, we’ll help you reach the level that our clients need! So if you are ready to dive into building a career working from home, do it with VA House. 

We Train and Prepare You

Different clients, different needs. But we are here to provide virtual assistant services that’s unparalleled. If you have the right attitude, right goals, open mind, and a goal to learn new skills to elevate your VA career, then we’d love to work with you! 

We’ll train you and help you improve any weaknesses. We don’t easily give up on our associates, we strive in providing equal opportunities for people who have the right attitude.

We’ll Guide You

Working with VA House means you’re part of a team, a family system that will guide you to perform day in and day out. We’ll be working closely with our clients and you to make sure that you’re reaching your daily goals, and that our clients are happy with the work you put in. 

Off the bat, you’ll notice that we are an easy team to work with. We welcome an open communication policy to ensure that we can listen and help you overcome problems you may be facing during work. 

Lots of Room for Growth

VA House is a small company but we have big dreams for the company, our clients, and our employees. With the skills that we can help you acquire and the work experience, we’ll do our best to help you grow with us. 

With this growth comes a better life for you in general. We want to make sure that you are well compensated. And the longer you stay with us and perform, the better the perks you’ll receive! 

Awesome Company Culture

Joe and Jan started VA House with a goal to have a company that provides opportunities, a healthy working environment, and we love seeing everyone around us improve. So if you want to be a part of an awesome team that will help you in your work from home career, then reach out today and join our team! 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels